Monday, May 21, 2012

Iraq war veteran uses rap to treat his PTSD

Leo Dunson was discharged from the army in 2008 and has never been the same since. The war severely scared him and he has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. Leo refuses any mental help and resorts to rap as a different form of therapy. Leo raps about the hardship he faced during the war and all the twists and turns in his life. Developing PTSD after the war isn't rare, 1/6 war veterans that served in Iraq and Afghanistan have suffered from it. Some refuse help like Leo and others either commit suicide or receive the proper mental health care that they need.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Debt inequality is the new income inequality

Americans are resorting to credit in order to maintain their standards of living. The wealthiest people are investing more money and the rest of Americans are going deeper into debt by buying on credit. The top 5% put money back into the system, making more credit available for the bottom 95% of Americans. For every dollar the working class earns they go $1.48 deeper into debt. The wealthy Americans only go into debt 64 cents for every dollar earned. The working class goes deeper into debt to keep up with the rest of the nation.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Romey an "economic savior"

Romney's senior adviser Eric Fernstrom said that voters are most concerned about the economy and he believes that voters will see Mitt Romney as an economic savoir. With the upcoming election this November the economy will be a major deciding factor on who wins this election. Fehrnstrom also predicts that younger voters will support Romney because there number one focus after getting out of college is getting employed and right now every 1 out of 2 college graduates are unemployed. Many people blame Obama for how the economy is now, either bad or good but all we know is the better Obama does with the economy until his term is up the worse Romney's chances are of being elected.

Is Unemployment Decrease real?

I read an artical on CNN about the fall in the unemployment rate. At first that looks like a really good thing but economists say that teh only reason this is actually happening is because people are giving up on finding jobs. There is many diffrent reasons this may be happening. One reason is that a single parent cant afford to pay for someone to watch their child. Also there is the possiblilty of the teenager who just got out of college and cant find a job to pay of their loans. What if were are left with the povery stricken people giving up on finding jobs. We need to find a way to make it easier for the poor and unemployed to get jobs.