Thursday, December 22, 2011

Catholic Bishops disagree with birth control


The church is against woman using contraceptives, therefore they are convincing Obama that he should refuse birth control coverage under the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act allows young adults to have affordable health insurance. The organization N.O.W its trying to cease the exemption altogether. Since the church is on private lands, that aren't owned by the government the government has no control because they have their own right to express their religion.

Is it okay for the Catholic Bishops to disallow birth control for woman just because they are private owned?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

NOW against Obama's plan B restrictions

Obama planned on passing some restrictions on the Plan B or Morning after pill. For those you don't know, the morning after pill/plan b is a form of birth control, and it basically makes the woman sick and kills the sperm/egg combination. Obama wants to put a restriction that makes these forms of birth control have an age restriction and make it so you can not buy it over the counter. In class, Mr. A said that you have to be 16 or older without a prescription to get it, and anyone under 16 needs a prescription. NOW (National Women Organization), found Obama's restrictions to be unconstitutional, and want the restrictions to not be put into effect.

Do you think these restrictions should be placed on birth control?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Iron Jawed Angels Mindmap

Create a mindmap of the events depicted in the film, Iron Jawed Angels.  We imagine this will be a timeline of sorts, but feel free to get creative (remember the examples we showed you).  Begin your map with the creation of NAWSA and end your map with the passage of the 19th Amendment.  You should document all of the important events, concepts, and themes illustrated.  Include details (words, images, phrases) that you took from the film.  For example, each mindmap should include a section that examines the role of black women in the movement.  You can find a synopsis of the film here if you need a refresher.  This can be constructed on 8 ½ x 11 paper.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Women's Studies Essential Questions

Which of the following questions would you like to focus on when writing your final unit assignment?

  1. How have women’s roles changed throughout American history? How have they stayed the same?
  2. How has our society’s power structure affected gender roles?
  3. How has women’s inequality been established/enforced throughout American history?
  4. How have women’s rights evolved over time?
  5. How have feminist social and political activists created change?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Police arrest 62 as occupy protesters target lobbyists- Sean Cabral

Police arrested 62 protestors for blocking off several blocks of K street in Washington. In the constitution it says that one of the rights we have is to peacefully protest. Was the right of these people to protest violated because they were arrested?