Tuesday, December 20, 2011

NOW against Obama's plan B restrictions

Obama planned on passing some restrictions on the Plan B or Morning after pill. For those you don't know, the morning after pill/plan b is a form of birth control, and it basically makes the woman sick and kills the sperm/egg combination. Obama wants to put a restriction that makes these forms of birth control have an age restriction and make it so you can not buy it over the counter. In class, Mr. A said that you have to be 16 or older without a prescription to get it, and anyone under 16 needs a prescription. NOW (National Women Organization), found Obama's restrictions to be unconstitutional, and want the restrictions to not be put into effect.

Do you think these restrictions should be placed on birth control?


  1. I thinks it's apporopraite to have the restrictions, because Teens under that age shouldn't have to need birth controll pills. If you understand this statement, then you should agree. I still think 16 is far to young, i think 16 and a half is more appropraite. (My Grammer is terrible... the auto correction is off for some reason)

  2. No because teenagers are going to have sex it is their choice and if there are these restrictions that might just mean they're going to get pregnant.

  3. I think the restrictions obama sis trying to put in place is appropriate because legal age of concent for sex is 16 and if you are under that a doctor should be informed. Also this is not a big change because as of this day you have to be 17 to buy plan b over the counter so either way you need to have someone who is 17 or older to buy it obama is actually making the age younger to buy this pill.

  4. I think it is completely reasonable for Preseident Obama to place restrictions on Plan B because it can keep kids from having unprotected sex and help them make the right decision when it comes to having sex.

  5. I think he should put some restrictions the pill so teens can realize that if anything happens they will have to go to the doctor and people will know about it.


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