Wednesday, September 28, 2011

E-Verify bill

The House of Representatives have made this bill that states that all workers that are about to join a job have to take this program called "E-Verify". E-Verify is a government run program on the Internet that is in place now that takes your information and checks to see if you are an illegal immigrant or not. The bill enforcing of this program to be followed was passed by the House of Representatives, but they don't think it will go much farther. The House of Representatives is majority run by Republicans, and for this to be passed, it will need to get support by the Democrats as well.

Republicans like this idea because, they are for the idea of loosing all the illegal immigrants. They feel like they are taking millions of American jobs. There is thought to be seven million illegal immigrants and there is twenty-three million Americans who are without a job. So they look at the fact that we can make those seven million people loose their jobs and then give them back to the Americans to help the twenty-three million without a job.

The Democrats feel like this would be bad for the economy of the small business. Many immigrants work under the minimum wage, and they wouldn't be allowed to do that to the Americans taking the job. Also, they would need to have workers who would run the E-Verify program.

Do you think this is an appropriate approach to the illegal immigration? Explain what is good, or how you'd approach the problem.


  1. If this was voted into effect, would everyone who applies for a new job have to go and take the E-verify test, or would they only give it to people who appear to be "illegal" immigrants, sort of like the law that Arizona passed?

  2. i this is an appropriate approach because we shouldn't let illegal immigrants have jobs, they don't deserve it. there is way more people here that actually need a job and they are citizens. its not fair to them that the illegal immigrants get jobs over the people that actually deserve it and really want it. it could be bad for the economy but its totally wrong what these people are doing. and i think they should pass this bill so other people can get jobs and the illegal immigrants will push harder to become a citizen.

  3. I think that this is an appropriate aproach to stop illegal immigration. Not only is illegal immigration a big topic in our country but the problems with jobs is as well. Both of these issues will be helped by this idea and could really help our country in the long run. I don't believe there is a problem with this because it should not hurt our economy because they shouldn't be making the money illegally and under the table as it is.

  4. yes i do think this is the right way to approach illegal immigration because if all the business follow the rules and not hire illegal immigrants they will stop coming over her and looking for jobs

  5. Yes to a point. I do believe that some people will be unable to get a job but there are plenty of places that will not use this system and will pay under the table. Also if your living in a horrible place chances are u don't really care about getting a job immediately you just want to leave your poor old sad live behind.

  6. Yes i think this is the right approach to illegal immigration; illegal immigrants should not be able to take jobs if they aren't legal citizens of our country. If not, there would be less jobs for the citizens who actually need them but cant get them. The citizens who were born in this country and work hard should get first dibs on jobs so they can support their families.

  7. Yes I think this is the right approach to illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants shouldn't be in this country in the first place and the fact that they are here taking hard working Americans jobs is ridiculous. E-Verify is a good idea because it will weed out the illegals who shouldn't be in this county. Also, the E-Verify system will create jobs in order for it to be maintained and hopefully help boost the economy.

  8. I think that the idea of e-verify is a very good idea, but I think the likeliness that people will actually carry through with the procedure is low. Also if this law did pass Americans need to try their hardest to get rid of illegal immigrants in workplaces. There is definitely a need for a system that would help only legal Americans get jobs here in the US.

  9. I guess e-verify is a good way to start to solve the problem, but no matter what the problem is, it's still going to be there. To be honest I think all of us depend on illegal immigrants. They are the ones who take the hard, less paying jobs because we don't want to do them.

  10. yes, i think is the right approach. The e-verify could really help out are country. There are so many Americans that don't have jobs because of the illegal immigrants that take our jobs. If they did not take the jobs, more american would be employed. our country needs to cut down on how many illegal immigrants they let here.

  11. I totally agree with this post and that Immgrant's should not be aloud in this country without Citizen ship or what ever legal documents they need to have, but they do need to know that being an american is privileged and as we know, being born in a certian place is lucky to. Think of all the american's who don't have jobs, with Immgrant's coming and and taking any job given to them and actually want to be paided lower then minimum wage, take american jobs away, Yes the government is doing the right thing by doing
    E veryfiy, But on the other hand i think democrates would be right aswell, there will be all these's business who would rather take Immgrants then Americans who want to be paid more, and having immgrant's go to small business helps them because they don't want to be paid that much, there risk takers, therefore the business save's more money. I notice being an american, sometimes you notice something isn't good enough for you and you would reject that job and not take it, otherwise you have your immgrant's that will take it for less. Maybe american's need to take a risk.

  12. I believe that this is an appropriate approach to illegal immigration. There are so many illegal immigrants in our country taking our welfare and our jobs and I believe that this is an appropriate way to stop that from happening. Granted, even if the E-Verify bill is passed, they'll still work and get paid under the table.

  13. The E-verify bill is a good approach to this immigration problem because this way illegal aliens will not be able to survive in this country if they cannot get a job to support themselves and their family. Also this will open up new jobs for legal American citizens who have been laid off due to the economical depression.

  14. The E-verify bill is a good way to eliminate illegal immigrants from job opportunities i also feel that illegal immigrants will find a way to be payed under the table.


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