Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Foundations Wrap-up - DUE 9-19

We have spent the last two days analyzing the six democratic principles established through our founding documents and how they can be applied to a present day issue. In order to reflect on and use what you have learned, please consider other current issues or challenges that our country is facing and discuss how one of the six democratic principles (limited government, popular sovereignty, checks and balances, separation of powers, equal protection, federalism) is being applied to that issue.

In responding to this post, you must:

1. Explain a present day issue in our country.
2. Reference a specific current event article that you have used to better understand the issue you have chosen (provide a link to your article so others can read it if they want to learn more).
3. Explain how one or more of the democratic principles is demonstrated in the example you have chosen (please pick a principle that is different from the one you focused on in class).

This blog response will be worth a ten point homework grade for history. Those points will be earned by demonstratinig significant effort and depth of analysis.


  1. The present day issue that i found was the rising gas prices. I went onto the new york times and found an article called Gasoline Prices Rise to 2-Year High. In This article i found information that i believe will shake the whole country with the amount of money spent on gas."The Oil Price Information Service has estimated that consumers will pay $34 billion this month for gasoline, up from about $27.6 billion in December 2009." This was released in 2010 making the amount of money spent on gas close to 1 billion dollars per day. The main reason for the increase in gas is from the crash of the economy as well as the war in iraq. In Conclusion, the rising gas prices are a major issue in the modern day America


    Check this website out:

  2. I chose the website that talked about job rates in amarica. I chose this because amarica has been having a huge blow out of job loss. 9.1% of americans have no jobs which is a lot worse then where it should be which is about 3% naturally. This shows how the goverment is trying and listening to the people for ideas how how to turn the world around. How to fix the problem.

    To find out more,

  3. An issue that is going on in our country today is the increase of child poverty in our country. I found more on this topic on, it also helped me better understand the topic more too. the name of the article was "US Child Poverty Rate Continues to Raise". I think that the principle this falls under Equal Protection because, in the Constitution is says everyone receives equal protection. The children who are falling into poverty are losing protection and so are the other citizens. Children might result in doing illegal activities to get money which can harm other civilians.

  4. One topic i found while looking at current events was about the "dont ask, dont tell" policy. it is not the governments rights to stop people who are openly gay from joining the army. they are violating the peoples rights. this could be part of limited government because it is about how people have the right to say they are gay and have the right to join the army, without the government saying no.

    here is my article:

  5. I chose the health care reform because its kind of a problem on who wanted it or not. It's supported by the democrats and they believe that everyone deserves and should have health care but the republicans do not like it. The principal that this probably goes under would be Equal Protection because the bill is saying everyone needs to have health care and if you cant afford it the government will pay for it. If not everyone has health care that want it thats nor fair or equal.

  6. An issue I chose was Obama's plan to impose a minimum tax rate on people who make more than a million dollars a year. It relates to the democratic principle of separation of power because there is an argument between democrats and republicans in all three branches of the government. Some republicans consider it "class warfare".

  7. One issue everyone keeps talking about is the death penalty. Recently Duane Buck execution was put on hold by the supreme court. The death penalty relates to equal protection and Limited government because everyone has there rights protected and the government and take them away.

  8. the issue i choose is about Obama and how he wants to raise taxes 1.5 trillion dollars, primarily on the wealthy. the republicans and trying to fight because they dont think its fair. But Obama said he will veto any changes that come across its desk.

  9. An issue that America is facing lately is the increase in price of cars. After the economy tanked about three years ago along went the new car sales and new leases. Because of this car dealers have a plethora amount of cars from three years ago so any car from one to three years old has a greater value that has risen from $15,000 in 2008 to to over $23,000. Increased in value also occurred, about 16 percent average, which caused slow sales and leases of new cars making more people buy used cars which doesn't help the dealerships.


  10. The article I chose was from the New York Times about poverty in the US. In the US last year, about 2.6 million people slipped into poverty and over all there are roughly 46.2 million Americans living under the poverty line. This article violates equal protection because people living in poverty may not have the materials they need to get through the day and they may not even have shelter. If these people are
    living out on they street, they are no where near being protected.

  11. I Chose this Article because, Barack Obama has always tryed to enforce education, Kind of like an Opportunity that every Kid or personal Should take into action as something important in there lives, And Here he's trying to give state's a chance to Continue there Educational Purpose's. Like barack says "The Children are our future, They represent our next america's"
    This represent's a basic Princaple or Organization, and kind of a Contintuatial Idea?

  12. I chose an article about jobs in america. In july and august 103,000 jobs were added to the united states and job loss rate is still at 9.1%. This is coming to the conclusion that americas economy is weakening .

  13. I chose an article about a memorial to Martin Luther King. This new memorial opened in Washington D.C in September it sits between Tomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. It was dedicated on the anniversary of his "I have a dream" speech. President Obama gave the dedication speech. The democratic principles that this represents is that all men are create equal and everyone has equal rights.

  14. One major issue in our country is the unemployment rate. There are far too many Americans that are without jobs and are labeled as unemployed. The New York Times recently has an article on unemployment and stated that there are over 22,000 people in Massachusetts that are unemployed. This relates to people not having equal opportunity in the sense that some people aren't given equal educations which disqualifies some people because of their education.

  15. The biggest issue in this country today and the cause for many problems is the economical crash we have experienced in the past ten or so years. I read an article I found on the Time magazine website. It discussed the ways community collage students could help our economy. Most community collages have have had major budget cuts. which forces them to layoff professors and accept fewer students. This causes skilled job spots to be unfilled.

  16. A major issue we face in America is the high unemployment rate. Many Americans are without jobs due to budget cuts in the poor economy we live in today. I found an article on talking about unemployment and how Obama is pushing for the Job's Bill to hopefully help the situation we are in.

  17. 1) same sex marriage.
    3) People are discriminating against same sex marriges and I think it is wrong to do that because we should not judge people for who they are.


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