Friday, November 18, 2011

Self-Determination Acts

Follow this link - once there, download the document titled, "Self-Determination Acts".  Use this to write your Alexie SPA paragraph.

NOTE: you can also use Johnson's "Forgotten American" speech to show how the reality of reservation life falls short the promise of self-determination.

Tribal courts lack power over non-Indian abusers-Matthew CE

In the article they talked about the lack of power in the court system.

In the article there is an event that the Reservation feels that they should be able to handle but federal courts say no.

What do you think that the court should do regarding handling altercations on and off of the ?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

S.A.V.E. Native Women Act

Do you think that the tribal courts will be able to handle more cases and will it be better for the reservation community to be handling more cases with non-Indians.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Oil Pipelines Facing Natives with Possible Harm

TransCanada is creating an oil pipeline stretching 1,700 miles long. This pipe will carry 700,000 barrels of oil a day and would reduce U.S dependence on Middle Eastern oil. Native tribes are beginning to protest because the pipe route crosses the Oglala water supply system where they get their water from and could end up polluting it leaving the Natives with no water and possible health concerns. The natives accused them of eminent domain (using private property for public use), but they said it is too late in the procedure to move the route but they will be very careful and the likelihood of their being a spill is very low.

Based on the Natives point of view vs. TransCanada's point of view, do you think the pipeline should be further constructed? Yes/No, why?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Obama budget proposal marks overall decrease in Indian Affairs

On Monday, President Obama released the federal budget proposal for 2012. In the proposal he wants to decrease indian affairs to $2.5 billion($120 million dollars less than previous year). Officials say that "tough cuts still need to be made". Although there are tough cuts being made, president Obama is looking to save $89.6 million to improve the conditions on native american reservations and tribal land. He is also looking to increase funding to help nation-to-nation relationships, to protect indian country, to improve trust l;and management, and indian education. There is also supposed to be a significant increase in criminal justice programs involving tribal areas. Do you think that this budget proposal is enough to help Native Americans with the troubles they are having with their education system, conditions of tribal land, criminal justice etc.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Washington State Indian Tribe Approves Same Sex Marriage

The Suquamish tribe in Washington approved of same sex marriage on their reservation. Gay marriage was easy to pass with no court fights. Mainly every one agreed to approve it. They believe that a tribe should never exclude people and they want to avoid discrimination.

Do you agree or disagree with same sex marriage?