Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Washington State Indian Tribe Approves Same Sex Marriage

The Suquamish tribe in Washington approved of same sex marriage on their reservation. Gay marriage was easy to pass with no court fights. Mainly every one agreed to approve it. They believe that a tribe should never exclude people and they want to avoid discrimination.

Do you agree or disagree with same sex marriage?


  1. Yes I agree with gay marriage. I think the way they don't want to discriminate their own people is very nice. But the differences between todays same sex policies and same sex back then differ so much that I think that we should all just get along and be happy no matter how people live their lives.

  2. yes, I agree with same sex marriage. It is the way they want to live their live and we should not judge that.

  3. I think that the tribe should allow same sex marriage because they already have a limited number of tribe members and should not exclude more members of their tribe. Tribes are already limited in numbers, there is no reason to make the number decrease.

  4. Yes, i agree with same sex marriage, it is not anyone's choice to exclude people from the sacred union of marriage because of what kind of person they are marrying. Also i think it is great that the tribes passed this law because i agree that they should not be out casting more people when they are already outnumbered.

  5. I agree with same sex marriage, especially in this case. If they don't want to discriminate or exclude anyone in their tribe then this is a law that should definitely be passed.

  6. i think they should have same sex marriage because the indian tribe culture is dieing off and they need to keep as many of their people as they can. Its really not that big of a deal because everybodys different and they need to except it

  7. yes, i agree with same sex marridge. It's not fair for the people who like the same sex, not to be happy. Everyone should be able to live there life with who they want. I think it is a goopd thing that the law got approved for same sex marridge in the Suquamish tribe.

  8. Yes i agree on same sex marriage, if mostly everyone in the tribe agreed on it then it should be official.

  9. I think that gay marriage should be allowed in the tribe because they should be united as a unit on the resorvations. They dont need something like this bringing them apart. I feel this was a good addition to their rules.

  10. I agree that same sex marriage should be allowed because native americans are discriminated against enough already and discriminating more against them wont help them grow at all. They should be allowed to marry whoever they want and stopping them from doing so is just going to create more unnecessary problems throughout the rez.

  11. I believe that it's up the individual to like the same sex or not and they shouldn't be discriminated or shunned if they do like the same sex. That being said the members of the reservation shouldn't discriminate if one of their tribe members is gay.

  12. I disagree because, there is no court's and if one person approve's nobody can really say anything because they are against discrimination meaning, they let same - sex marriage occur and that's not to good. They need to have some type of disagreement, i just don't like it overall.

  13. i do agree because i don't think anyone should be discriminated because they like someone of the same sex. i don't see how it would hurt anyone and also it's clear that no one on the tribe had a problem with it.


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