Sunday, November 6, 2011

Obama budget proposal marks overall decrease in Indian Affairs

On Monday, President Obama released the federal budget proposal for 2012. In the proposal he wants to decrease indian affairs to $2.5 billion($120 million dollars less than previous year). Officials say that "tough cuts still need to be made". Although there are tough cuts being made, president Obama is looking to save $89.6 million to improve the conditions on native american reservations and tribal land. He is also looking to increase funding to help nation-to-nation relationships, to protect indian country, to improve trust l;and management, and indian education. There is also supposed to be a significant increase in criminal justice programs involving tribal areas. Do you think that this budget proposal is enough to help Native Americans with the troubles they are having with their education system, conditions of tribal land, criminal justice etc.


  1. I think this is a good idea to help the Indian reservations but I also believe it takes more than just money to help people. I think we need to hire some people to help them spend the money in the right places to create jobs and a stable system of government.

  2. I agree,in order for the American government to actually help native Americans is by giving them money but also the resources that will help them spend the money wisely and put it to good use

  3. i think that we owe it to them. our history shows we weren't good to them. the least we could do is raise the funding to help them fix their reservations.

  4. I think it will help them drastically but i am not sure it will provide what they need in there everyday day life. In conclusion, I believe it will help the native americans but i am not sure that it is enough.

  5. I wasnt here for current event and I don't fully understand summary.

  6. I agree with this because the money they get now is not enough. They barely have money to fix houses and schools. I also think that we need to hire people to help spend their money the right way.

  7. I think the budget is a great plan moving forward to helping out the Native Americans on reservations. However, to suffice the whole reservation it would take much more money than what is being proposed.

  8. I think that it will help him a little bit but, they still wont have enough to fix everything like the schools and the houses.

  9. No the proposal is not enough to help the people in the reservations but its a start. Its hard spiting all the money up between everyone living there.

  10. Yes i do think this is helping Native Americans with schooling,health, etc. because Obama is going to use it towards things the Indians need on the reservations so he is spending the money more wisely rather then spending money on junk.

  11. I think this potentially could start a great lead into helping native american's and there cultural existence. I think it's good that barack keeping a set plan to help them. Aslong as the indian's are getting some support, then the government get's some "claps"


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