Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Discrimination against aids

To stop aids and HIV we have to stop discrimination first. Haveing HIV can bring loss of status, discrimination, and economic disadvantages. When people lack the access of medical care they have a higher risk of contracting full blown aids because they can not get the right medication. Black woman getting HIV is 15 X greater than white woman, and for Hispanic woman it is 3 X higher. Do you think if we stop discrimination against minorities that it will lower the risk of contracting HIV in these groups?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I personally don't see this as discrimination. It's not the hospital's faults that a lot of these black and hispanic american's cannot afford health insurance. I think that if they really need health care for their HIV that they should apply for mass-health or something like that.

  3. I feel that the HIV problem in this case should be monitored closer by the hospitals, but i dont feel this really is to blame on them. If they got the money to get the helth care they needed then it shouldnt be a problem. It isnt always about race.

  4. I think that if we stop discriminated against minorities, it will not affect the risk of HIV. I am all for stopping discrimination, but to stop HIV you need to teach people more about it.

  5. i think hiv has become alot bigger and discrimination is one of the factors but defiantly wont end the cause of it. i think alot of it has to do with healthcare and what not

  6. I defiantly think that discrimination is a huge part of why people especially the minorities cannot get the proper treatment for HIV, if minorities didn't get discriminated against and got the proper medical care then less HIV would be around in general because then they could stop it before it spread more so all in all it would benefit everyone.

  7. no i do not belive that it is discrimination. just because they can not afford health insurance dose not mean anything. stoping discrination would be a very good thing for everybody. it willnot stop people from getting HIV.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. HIV is statistically more likely to be attracted by minorities. I don't believe this has anything to do with discrimination. Many minorities grow up not learning about sexually transmitted diseases and lack the proper medical attention they should be receiving to better prevent themselves from getting HIV.

  10. I believe that minorities get HIV at a higher rate than white people not because of descrimination but simpley because they have on average a lower income. Lower income means less medical protection and knowledge of things that can prevent HIV. The reason they have a lower income may be because of descrimination in the past, but if descrimination stopped tomorow the problem of HIV for minorities would not stop immediately, although it may stop in a few generations when minorities get equal oppertunities.

  11. i think that hiv is a big problem but stopping discrimination wont have any affect on hiv.

  12. I think that hiv is a problem for everyone and we need to help who ever has it no matter what race you are.

  13. I do not feel that the HIV/AIDS problem is discrimination. The hospital isn't choosing to deny certain groups of people of health insurance, some people just cant afford it which leads to diseases and sicknesses.

  14. I do not believe that discrimination causes hispanic and black groups to get a higher rate of AIDS than white people. These two groups may not be able to afford the right medications for AIDS. However there is discrimination when it comes to getting jobs. I think that is where discrimination has an affect on other races.

  15. No i don't not think that aids is a sort of discrimination toward Hispanics and blacks. It is a disease it doesn't decide what person gets what disease it is not something that can be blamed on race.

  16. I am greatly concerned that the rate of occurance of a preventable disease is much higher in minority populations than white. I am struggling to understand what could account for this. From what Zack said, it is because many poor people do not have access to state healthcare. Because a great percentage of minorities are poor they are the Americans that are falling victim to the disease. I also know that is you have a pre-existing condition, you cannot get healthcare. So, once you have HIV, you can be denied healthcare. So treating the disease is near impossible. I wonder if minorities get HIV more frequently than white Americans (as a percentage of their population). If so, it seems we could do more to educate people on the danger and encourage ways to avoid this predicament. This could be tied to our race history as minorities in this country are poorer than white people as a percentage of their population.

  17. I do not think just because minority groups get infected more then whites means that they are being dicsriminated against i think it just means that they need to get outta their houses and get a job for health care or apply for mass health like macie said. and if they do not want the disease spread they should perform abstenece or use a condom!

  18. I think mich is right, Minoritys groups basically need to use a condom, but Ms. Viv also say they need to be educated, so if they aren't educated enough this particular problem with our solving idea's won't be implemented enough to avoid this predicament. And mrs viv other fact struck me, because healthcare company's denies people because they have the threatening disease... Maybe we should think about a policymaker to make healthcare professionals have to accept minoirtys even if they have the diease?


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