Friday, January 13, 2012

Ron Paul A cusses Judicial System of being Racist

Republicans today are accusing the Judicial System and police departments around the country of being prejudiced. Many states arrest more blacks then whites and put more blacks to death in the electric chair. Ron Paul believes that the Democratic party is brain washing black voters to vote for a democratic candidate. Do you think there is racism in the Massachusetts Judicial System today?


  1. I think that there is racism in the system but i think that it is more hidden than it used to be in the country, there is racism but not only based off of race. i think that if someone of a different race gets busted for the same things as a white person, than the different race will get a harsher punishment

  2. I say, if you have a good lawyer, everything should suit, it all depends on the argument of the case potentially. There could be racism. And as Aimee said "I think that it is more hidden than it used to be in the country" potentially this is correct as well because you wouldn't know as much considering the Constitution and stuff like that, wouldn't probably in massachuttes.

  3. I believe that there is not racism in the judicial system because the court must prosecute any and all criminals. Just because most of the criminals may be African Americans doesn't mean this is the court's fault. The reason for more blacks being incarcerated i believe is because of their history, which forced them to live in low income areas, making many people turn to criminal acts as a way of earning money.


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