Saturday, January 14, 2012

Racism in the Presidentail Election

Ron Paul, who is running for president, has had his past racism viewsblow up in the media. He has had statements such as "I think we can assume that 95 percent of the black men in that city [Washington DC] are semi-criminal or entirely criminal" Ron Paul has tried to say these statements in the media were not written by him and were written by journalists who were working for him at the time. All of the articles containing these statements were titled with Ron Paul's name. Do you think it is right of presidential candidates to lie about views they had in the past?


  1. I think this even if it was his workers that wrote it, the fact that his name is on it means he aproves it. This I feel it is even worse then it was if it was him, cause that means he wasnt monitering his workers. How is he gonna run a whole country, if cant run his compony.

  2. No it is not right for a candidate to lie at all, if he is racist he is racist and should no try to cover it up. If he is trying to be president of the united states he shouldn't be making comments like that and then try to cover it up.

  3. No because a candidate should be honest with the people because the whole point of democracy if for people to choose their own leader and they should now about what the person's opinions and stances are on certain topics so they can choose and have all the information they need about the person.

  4. No its not right to lie about there personal views in the past, it is important as being a candidates to be as honest as possible even though political reporters notoriously unwilling to call the most ridiculous, most outrageous but intentionally excerpt untruths what they are: "lies". Sometimes i think journalist have absolute obligations to make false statements and don't take full irresponsibility's towards word for words decisions.

  5. no, i dont belive that it is the right to lie. they should want to be honest and not wanna lie to everyone. there past should not get in the way of there future. he also should not make those kind of comments then try to hide what he said.

  6. If a presidential candidate lies he is cheating the voters. It is unfair in a democracy for the voters to be lied to when they are given the opportunity to vote for their governments leader.

  7. No most people really don't ever change their opinions and if you go out publicly about them then you have to be ready for the reactions. So ya i think that he shouldn't have that right.

  8. No I do not think its right for presedrntial candidates to lie to voters about past views because once a liar always a liar and you can not trust a liar, they definatly should not be president

  9. No I do not think it is right for them to lie about their views they had in the past it is important that a politician is completely honest with what they are talking about even when the truth would make them look bad. Lying is just wrong and if you are caught in a lie just tell the truth don’t lie even more to cover it up because it will make you crash and burn in the end.


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