Thursday, January 5, 2012

European countries take step toward oil embargo on iran

European countires want iran to stop enriching uranium for civilian purposes. Western leaders argue they are trying build a nuclear bomb. Iran denies they are building a nuclear bomb and they refuse to stop enriching the uranium. American and European countries have sent series of military threats that iran has responded to and iran has test fired a missle and announced a production of 1st nuclear fuel rod. Iran has also warned american aircrafts not to return to the persian gulf or they will be shot straight of hormuz shipping which will drive price of oil up 50%. Do you think american and european countries should keep tempting iran to drive the price of oil up 50%? why or why not?


  1. I think that the european and american leaders are doing the right thing and are attempting to have an embargo against iran. That would cause a civil outburst in iran putting pressure on the islamic government.

  2. No i do not think we should we should leave this other countries alone and deal with the issues we already have with them because it will just end with more war.

  3. No I don't think we should, if Iran was really building nuclear weapons they could eventually fire it on us if we kept threatening them. But we should keep watch and monitor them and there nuclear activities. Also, if oil went up 50% that would cause huge problems for the US. At the moment we already have enough problems to deal with.

  4. Clearly nobody want the price of oil to go up any farther, but I don't think we can ignore the threat of Iran, especially if they have a weapon of mass destruction. The threat of Iran needs to be dealt with immediately before they have the power to kill thousands of people with a nuclear weapon.

  5. No I do not believe we should keep threatening them. The US always wants control over everything. We already have problems to deal with. Plus gas is already way to much money, the prices should not be raised once again.

  6. No, I don't believe we should keep threatening them. If we keep pushing the envelope problems will get worse and if gas prices go up 50% it will only hurt our economy and create more problems.

  7. I think we should still go after them because if we dont, we could end up being on the bad end of the bombs. Id rather pay more for oil if it means i will be safer. Yes it is going to be tuff is this does happen, but our national security is more important then oil costs, so this needs to happen. We need to keep ourselves safe.

  8. No because there is actually no definitive proof that they are actually building nuclear weapons and to tempt them with threats just seems completely pointless.

  9. No other countrys should not be jepordising trade with iran who suppys most of our oil because it is much needed and if the price of oil rises than the price of any other imported items will also rise, and that isnt good for anyone. Also these planes should not jepordise going into the gulf and getting shot down because what if that causes iran to start stetting off their bombs

  10. I don't think we should make them raise oil prices because I won't be able to afford it.

  11. no because why should we want oil prices to go up when we are having trouble affording the prives as is. It would be a really bad decision by our government because thats just asking to put our country in even more debt than its already in.

  12. Yes I think that we should keep trying to get Iran to not build a nuclear bomb even if it drives upthe price of oil. Would you rather have higher gas prices or a nuclear weapon used on our country?

  13. No because, Our country is already facing problems with other country's and since we are majority user for oil, that would cause a lot of conflict in the government. I think we should give some restriction policy that restricts them from certian things, considering Uranium is a sense of mass destruction and that country's should relax with that type of stuff. If Iran says they aren't building nuclear bombs which can give a belief of reasonable doubt then, they probably aren't and that we should let them do there own thing. I do believe that it's a bit weird that they are producing that particular material unconditionally.

  14. I think we should keep Iran from building a nuclear bomb because they might end up using it against use. I don't want oil prices to go up but if its the cost of not getting a nuclear bomb dropped on us its worth it.

  15. No I dont think we should continue to threaten them because if they get fed up with us more than they already are we could be cut off and left with nothing.

  16. no, i do not think we should keep threaten them. we don't need are oil prices to up any higher than they already are.

  17. I don't think they should, because it will only hurt the countries who rely on that oil.

  18. I really don't think they should raise oil prices because if they do I will not be able to pay for gas. Another reason why they should not raise oil prices is that it will start another war somewhere because there are countries that rely on oil so much but they can barley afford to buy it. So I think that combination could start a war.


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