Thursday, October 6, 2011

ASSIGNMENT DUE FRIDAY 10/7/11: Frank McCourt's "Angela's Ashes"

(Frank McCourt, pictured here in his classroom)
So we had a chance to read part of Frank McCourt's immigration story today. We learned that he had a lot of mixed emotions about coming to the States--on one hand he was excited to come, but on the other hand, we learned that he was going to miss aspects of his life in Limerick. Your job is to consider his story as an example for your own writing project. Here's your question: Respond as a comment to this post. What was one aspect of Frank McCourt's story that you might consider using for your own immigration narrative? Think about how he starts the story (his reasons for leaving), how he gets the money to travel, how he prepares to leave, how he describes the journey, and how he encounters the new world in which he arrives. Which part did you find most interesting, and how could you adapt that part of the story structure to your own story?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I will use the how the travel was, and why he is going to travel. I feel i can get a lot of information on these sections. I found the first interation to the new world the most interesting because it's interesting to see what we see as normal being weird in the eyes of another.

  3. One of the aspects of Frank McCourt's story that I might consider using for my own immigration story is how he gave an introduction to his life before his immigration. Also, Frank told us his regrets, what he loved and what he would miss. The part that I found most interesting about his story was his first experience in America with the women at the party. I can adapt that in my own story by describing in depth the first experience my character has when he gets arrives to America!

  4. An aspect that Frank McCourt used in his story that I would consider using is how he got his money to travel. I don't know how my great grandparents got their money so i want to make a cool story like he did. a part of the story I found interesting was the boat ride and I think I can adapt that into my story well because, my great grandparents came over to america on a boat.

  5. one aspect of McCourt story that i could use would probably his reasoning for coming to America and how he arrived here. My grandparents probably didnt necessarily miss the sad things he missed but i'm very sure they also missed there parents and family and important people they left behind in Italy. They also came on a boat just like Frank McCourt did and i could also relate my story to that as well

  6. In my own immigration story i will use how the travel to america was. i think that i can get some good information on this part because my great great grandmothers mom came on a boat with many others and that is challenging. The part I found the most interesting about the story is how Frank talks about how his life was before and what he was nervous about when he came to america.

  7. I'd say, how he describes his feelings towards getting into this new location not knowing how the life style is and is it safe. I'd do it like that, and with all the Descriptions he put as of the people, kind of using similes or metaphors kind of, and mostly, i'd use it because it's giving a great idea on how i would want to write in a 1st person Prospective And I wasn't going to really mention Much about home, but he takes in on what he remember's and actually follows it and goes through what his family told him about life and what to expect most likely . Frank's Brilliant! :D

  8. If i was in his position i would try my absolute hardest to get a decent amount of money to travel over to America. I wouldn't steel from the dying but i would find a way to get a sufficient amount of money. I plan on using the trip from ireland to america in my essay like the story as well.

  9. In my immigration essay i will use how he got to america. He describes how he got money to get to america and he describes hoe nervous he is to arrive their which are two very important parts of the story

  10. In my immigration story I might talk about how he got the money to go on the trip. I think that would be interseting and would be interesting for the reader. I also am considering talking about what he is leaving back home.

  11. I would like to start my immigration story like his story starts. My story will starts with my ancestor in his/her hometown in England, I will describe their life there and why when and how they will leave. Then my story will follow them on the boat being nervous about going to a new place and what it is like when they get there.

  12. I am going to use how Frank traveled to America because my great grandmother came here by boat. It's going to talk about their emotions arriving to America to start a new beginning.

  13. I might want to use his beginning, just going right into my ancestors life to show who they are. I found the story about his reasons for leaving very interesting i will have to think out of the box like he did and make my ancestors story personal but also possible.

  14. An aspect of Frank McCourt's I might use is how he introduces the story with describing a little bit about his homeland. Also, he came over hear and didn't know many of the american customs and culture like my great grandfather didn't when he came over to America from Italy.

  15. An aspect of Frank McCourt's immigration story I liked is how he talked about his life before he immigrated. I like how he talks about places he used to hang out like the river Shannon by dry docks. You can tell he misses his home land.

  16. One of the things that i like about Frank McCourt's immigration story is that it began with a detailed event. Then it gradually went on to the story of him departing to the U.S

  17. i liked Frank McCourt's immigration story because i was very detailed about his life before he was an immigrant and it ended with him leaving and coming to the U.S.

  18. i think that most important part is how he got to america. without the travel he wouldn't of been able to get here.

  19. Something from his story that I would use is how he stole money from church collections to save up enough money to come to America. Although its not right what he did and stealing is bad I think that in that time in his life he needed to come to America and if he needed to steal to do that then it was worth it for him.


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