Sunday, October 23, 2011

Obama Raising Record of Deportation

The number of illeagle immigrants deported since Obama has been elected is much greater then when Bush was in office. There is now stronger enforcement at the border and they are now able to catch illeagles coming in right at the border therefore the numbers of illeagles deported rises. There were 400,000 people deported this year and 392,800 in 2010 but during Bush's time in office less then 120,000 people. According to these numbers and the outcome of newly enforced policies, what do you think about the raise in the number of illeagles being deported? Do you think these numbers will help Obama be reelected in 2012?


  1. no i think it wont help him get re elected because people liked it when bush didnt deport all illegal immagrants because they paid their taxes just like everyone else right. so why should we i dont think it will help him get re elected

  2. yes i think it will help him get reelected because when they come over here they take jobs from up. so i think its good that they have more enforcements at the boarder to caught and deport them.

  3. I think that the increase in deportations is good for our country and its showing that our country I headed in the right direction. I think that it will help Obama get re-elected in 2012 because there are more people in our country that are against illegal immigration which will help obama in the end.

  4. I think this wont help him get re elected in 2012 because I don't people like it how every person that tries to cross the border will get deported. Bush did a better job controlling the illegal immigrants that were trying to cross the border.

  5. it might help him because he is enforcing patrol alot more so that the illegial immigrants cant come in. Also i dont him doing this one thing will help in the upcoming election.

  6. Yes i do think this will be a big part of his reelection campaign, because illegal immigration is such a huge topic right now. Also i think that the large difference in numbers is very significant.


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