Wednesday, October 26, 2011

native tribes to share $52 million in grant

On Sept. 7, the department of housing gave a $52 million grant to be divided between 21 native states. The money that each state gets which is about $2.4 million goes to builting house, school, stores, and repairing roads. It also is going to help native American get job training. Do you think that our government should be giving money to native tribes and should they get more money?


  1. I feel since they are still americans we have the responsability to give money to them. The amount this gave is just bottom dollors in comparison of what they really need, we should give the resorvations the apropriot amount of money.

  2. I believe they should be getting more money because that is no where near enough to help fix the poverty problems they have and it is also not fair that other states are getting so much more, i think the government needs to work with their government and come up with ways to help both sides of he problem and help keep us together but still separate like they want.

  3. i think we should deffinatly be giving the native tribes more money because we give more money to forign countries when they are in need of help and obviously the native tribes are in trouble because they are living in such poor conditions. It doesnt make sense to give people who are living in our country less money then we give others

  4. Yes they should be getting more money. If you think about it 2 million dollars a year isn't enough to provide the reservation with the needed work. In conclusion the reservations should get more money from the government.

  5. Yes, i think we should be giving the natives more money. 2.5 million is not enough money to get what they really need. we should be more helpful ti them because they really need money to fix there issues.

  6. I think that the U.S. government should be trying harder to help the Indian reservations. Now they are poverty stricken and the unemployment level is unbelievable. Helping them means giving them money and helping them spend it wisely on things to help their community thrive in the future.

  7. i think we should be giving them money because they need all the help they can get. there still Americans. there below the poverty line and they could really use our help. i like that we are trying to help and give them money to build schools/houses for people living there. i also think its great that its giving them more jobs because they really need that considering most of the have to leave the reservation to find work.

  8. Yes I believe that the governmrnt should give native american reservations and tribes more money because when you compare the amount of money to what hudson spends it seems unfair. Also they already live at somewhat low conditions so it takes more money to upgrade the quality therefore they should be granted more money

  9. Yes, i think that the government should give the Native American Tribes because they are still americans and they deserve the money like all of us do.

  10. i agree with them getting financial help because obviously they do need it and the government helping will allow them to improve life in native states. i do think that they defiantly should have gaven them more because realistically that isnt gunna do much.

  11. Yes i completely agree that we should be helping out these tribes, just because they have their separate government doesn't mean they shouldn't be getting financial help. The amount of money that these natives are getting is not as much as they deserve. The amount of money they are getting is going to help them start out but it will not let them live the lives they want on the rez.

  12. After going over what we learned in class and what we are reading and watching about, of course they deserve more money, their society looks like a third world country it's so poor, there's people who make more a year then what the government is giving to split up between 21 native states.

  13. Well yeah they should get more money. They were put into poverty because of our government in the first place. How can they share just $2.4 million between each state? They won't get out of poverty if they they keep being treated like this. If they live in the United States shouldn't they get the same respect that everyone else does?

  14. Yes, the Native American tribes should definitely be receiving money from the U.S. government. Considering history, Native Americans have been shafted so to speak and the U.S. giving money to reservations is the least they could do. Also, I believe that 2.4 million dollars isnt't enough money to suffice a whole tribe of Native Americans trying to build housing, schools, roads, etc.

  15. Yes I think that the native american tribes should be getting more money. I don't get how we can throw money at other countries that are in need when our own people need the money more. For example when there is a natural disaster we are the first to help. But when our own people are suffering from poverty we can't even give them enough money to make a dent in their poverty. If we gave them more money they could use it for building houses, more schools, and better roads.

  16. Yes they should be giving to native tribes because they native tribe's are more badly effected and the poverty there is just outragously crazy, i think we should give more money to native's and i also think the government should support more, because for native to support themselve's is a little bit of a force.

  17. they should give money to native tribes because they are suffer from a whole lot poverty on the reservations that they live on. as a result of this they should get more help from the government


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