Friday, February 17, 2012

VACATION ASSIGNMENT! Due Monday February 27th

We have been learning about Non-Violent Resistance as a means of social change. We have studied the philosophy of Henry David Thoreau and Gandhi, as well as the words of Martin Luther King Jr. Your job this week is to investigate the Occupy Wall Street Movement--a modern-day act of protest happening right now in many parts of the country. Learn all you can about the protest, and then determine if it could be deemed an effective act of Non-Violent protest. In a comment to this post:  Check out this website for more information. 

  • LIST 5 things you've learned about the protest (Think W's here...Who is protesting? What are they protesting? Where?). 
  • Next, based upon what you know about the tenets of non-violent resistance (non-violent demonstration, exposing of injustice, raise public consciousness, and forcing of government intervention) determine if you think the Occupy Wall Street movement is adhering to those tenets. 


  1. One thing is the protest began in september. There has been a lack of demands form the protesters. Some of the protesters don't agree on what they want. The protesters are supported by a hacker group. The group is also backed by labor unions.
    The occupy wall street is adhering to the tenets of the non-violence movement.

  2. There have been thousands of arrest so far and plenty more protester. They have been arrested for minor thing like criminal trespass to taking down police barriers. The protesters demands vary from wanting an equal pay as corporate leaders to putting them in jail. Most think the billion dollar bailouts should also stop. The anonymous group is an internet protest group that has made threats to interrupt the national stock exchange. This form of protest doesn't really seam to be getting anywhere. The rich corporate leaders have gained too much power for simple peaceful protesters to take down. I believe that if the citizens of this country want to create a change they will have to make a change of plans.

  3. -no violence was a great maneuver and worked effectively towards the movement.

    - that you need a lot of belief and motivation to go through this movement.

    -the hardest movements i thought was the one in missippi, where the laws against black people were stricter, but they really had a good plan that was effective enough. "Jail protest" --> "political prisoners?".

    - Students from colleges risks all there work and education and the trouble to get education just for this one movement. I feel like the blacks that worked hard to achieve education for black people was overlooked unprofessionally, Basically like 35% of blacks left schools, not sure if it was more but it's crazy.

  4. I think that the occupy groups are working on the non-violent principals in their protests. I also think that in some cases these groups can lose the drive of non-violence because they are not getting victory soon enough, such as in Portland. Here is an article explaining what is going on there
    Also in the occupy movements they do a great job at showing faithfulness to their cause and the occupiers are working so hard with non-violence.

  5. I think that the occupy movements are similar to the non violence protests but they are missing a critical point to base their protests about. THey need a solid fact to explain why they are doing what they are doing and i reason why it needs to change.

  6. I think that they are trying to do this protest in a non violence way in Piccolo Chicago. Students, teachers and parents. Piccolo elementary school is one out of 16 schools that have been closed because of the occupation. The first day of the protest the police gave up and the occupiers have one victory. Now the parents are allowed to meet with the Board of Directors to ask for proposal for the local education.

  7. I feel that they are doing well to keep the nonviolent protest in mind, but I feel they need to do this differently. I feel the main reason that they are fighting, the fact that 1% has 40% of the worlds welth.This group of people need to be organized and done in a different manner in my mind. So occupy wall steet needs to do something different cause they are only costing us tax payers money.

  8. The occupy wall street movement began in september. Multiple protestors have been arrested on minor criminal charges. They have made threats to international stock exchange. They are working on non violence protesting.its seems like the wall street movement is going no where. I think the wall street movement is somewhat adhering tendents but is becoming still a failure and i agree with josh theya re just costing tax payers money.

  9. Over 80 cities will take part in the coordinated day. Countries are fighting globally for social and economic justice. They held an occupy for the support of prisoners. Believe the real "criminals" are those who run wall street. European trade unions have declared Feb. 29 a European Day of action against austerity. I believe Occupy Wall Street is demonstrating non-violent protests. Each member taking part is using civil disobidiance in not acting out violently because violence has a potential for shutting the whole movement down.

  10. The occupy Wall Street is similar to the non-violent protests. There have been arrests for going back to places like Liberty Square after they were told they could not be there. This protest doesnt seem to be getting anywhere. They need another plan to create change.

  11. the occopie wall strret movement is a like a non-voilence movement. but it hasn't gone anywhere. it just costing tax payers money.

  12. The occupy Wall-street movement is similar and different to the non violence protest. The non-violence protest had a greater impact on citzens because they were fighting for equality between two races. The wall-street movement doesnt have a solid reason for it.

  13. The Occupy Wall Street Movement is a protest towards the economy. This movement was inspired by recent uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia. Their goal is to confront corporate control and make a change. This movement includes protests like marching and sit-ins that took place during the Non-Violent Resistance and there have been many arrests. I think that the Occupy Wall Street Movement is adhering to the tenets of the Non-Violent Resistance because they are doing similar protests and using the media to spread the word and to get more citizens involved. They are also trying to make a change for the better and are using non-violent methods to do so.

  14. I think the Occupy wall Street Movement is a waist of money. It is a non violent movement but it didnt solve anything.

  15. I didnt know when the movement started. I learned that the protest is mainly towards the economy. I also didnt know that so many cities took place in the day that it was coordinated for. Also that the anonymous internet group has threatened the national stock exchange as well. I think that the occupy wall street movements are somewhat similar to the non-violent protests that we looked at from the past because I think that the occupy protesters are looking to cause a ruckus rather than the historic protesters doing it for a cause.

  16. what I learned....
    - the protesters were non-violent protesters because they were not causing any harm to anyone.
    - the protesters were all different races.
    - they were protesting about the economy.
    - more than $2 billion a year goes to debt service.
    - this protest contained of sit-ins and marching.
    This protest is exactly a non-violence protest because they were not causing any violence to anyone and this method is a good method in my opinion because they are hurting nobody.


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