Saturday, March 10, 2012

Black Students Getting Punished More.

In schools around the world black students are getting the big portion of the suspensions and expulsions. The black students take up about 18% of the population in the schools in the United States but account to 46 percent of the suspensions and 39% of the expulsions. This, however, may not be because of what we are bound to think. It could be happening because of other reasons.
For many reason Black Americans have been forced to live in the poorer more dangerous sections of the United States. By having these challenges black families have a tendency to get a divorce and studies show that kids from a seporated family tend to be more violent or act out in school. They also believe that within black communities black teachers teach black kids and they think that the black teachers have a tendency to be a little more strict to their students.
So, after hearing all this, do you think it is more because of racist teachers making them get in trouble or do you think there is another reason to why these statics are out there? What should we do to make a change?


  1. i think that people all get raised differently and that is they way they act and to fix this i think the schools should come up with a better plan because people are still getting suspended/expelled from school. i think they should do in school suspension because in a way there getting a vacation when they get suspended.

  2. I think the reason African American students get in trouble at school more often is not because of racist teachers but because they grow up in poor sections of the city. Poverty causes many more problems for a family; it can cause the parents to split or to cause them to take up illegal habits or illegal ways of getting money to put food on the table. Poverty can also cause kids to have a lot of anger, which will eventually cause them to act out in way that will certainly get them in to trouble.

  3. Black students statistically get in trouble in school more because of the culture many of them grow up in. Large amounts of blacks who live in rougher sections that get less income such as Dorchester in Boston have kids that may act out due to their living situation. Many of them lack parents who are role models and don't set an example to succeed in society and respect their teachers. Also many black kids in cities like Boston/Dorchester get involved in gangs and turn to that lifestyle as a means instead of focusing on school. Because of the many circumstances black kids face they contribute statistically in high number for expulsions and suspensions in school.

  4. I think that the reason for this is because schools that are in high poverty areas in many cases, have a high percentage of African American students. This means that more schools that have mainly black students are going to be lower quality. The kids that are going to these schools are from families that have lived in poverty for their whole lives. These kids are less likely to have good parental guidance which is why they are more likely to get in trouble in school.

    -Kendra Boyle

  5. i think that these student are getting introuble more because of the teachers and what there life is like a home. every one is different and acts out differently. i think that more of it has todo with were they live. since most blacks live in poverty and parents might be spilt up so thy have no one to look after them and teach them the difference from right and wrong.

  6. I think that African American students get in more trouble due to how they are brought up and family values. Many different races bring up there children in many different ways. I believe that if you are brought up with a dysfunctional family that it will affect how you act. If students don't have a good role model to look up to then they are going to act out in school.

  7. I think it is because for years they have been held down and that history has had an affect on where they live and as a result their lives. And as shown they tend not to live in the best places and I think that definitely affects their behavior. But I do think that maybe in a couple of place there are teachers who might be racist but I do not think that is the reason for most of this.

  8. I agree with what mitch said. It has a lot to do with how the black kids are brought up. Them being brought up in violent communities is causing them to think violence is what your supposed to do all the time. If black kids are brought up in better white communities i bet the amount of black kids getting in trouble will go down.

  9. The reason these kids are getting into trouble is because of how they were brought up these kids grew up with poverty and lacking things that they need and the reason more black children are getting into trouble is because they are acting out

  10. I think in some cases depending on the area these statistics could be because of racism. I think the majority of this has to do with the upbringing, location and family life of these black students. There really isn't anything that we can do to change this in this at this point in time.

  11. For the most part black people grow up in poverty stricken areas. These violent areas that these kids are growing up in are teaching them the wrong lesson and when you are brought up around something like that it screws up the kids perception leading them to a dangerous path.

  12. I think it is mostly because the teachers arr racist and keep an extra close eye on them and think that they will do something bad. What we could to help this is get bee teachers that are not racist or teach the kids to behave better in school.


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