Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Race Data

Click here to view three documents that provide insight on race relations in the Commonwealth.

When analyzing the data, determine trends that continue to appear with regard to connections between race and class.  Comment here, by group.


  1. When it comes to racial trends in the modern America some of the main ideas were the relation between school, income, and race. For example in many wealthy towns most of the people living there are white. Most of the time a town that is wealthy the school there children go to is wealthy. The more money you have the better a school you can get which shows why many wealthy towns have good schools. In conclution, wealth, schooling, and race are very tighly related.

  2. The schools that were at the top of the chart were very wealthy and mostly white, and almost all of them graduated high school and moved onto college. There is not a lot of Asians, Hispanic, and barely and Native American people in these schools. It is mostly white people.

  3. I have noticed that the average income and school ranking is directly related to the percentage of race in that school. The fewer minorities, the better the school and the higher the average income. For example, Brockton high school is very low in rank and is only 36% white but the average income is only about $35,000 a year.

  4. The first data sheet that i read was 2004-2005 enrollment by race and all the good schools had a lower minority rate, especially the Academies majority was all white. All the academies are located in places that have money or of the upper class. The ones ranking lower are multi-racial with average scores which would be the middle class. And the ones at the bottom of the chart were mostly minority and were located in poverty strictened areas.

  5. One thing that i have noticed is that the total income is a direct link to the schools rank But race isnt always involved. One example is that Concord has a somewhat mixed population but with 84% white and 19% Asian and they have a very high income and a very good ranking

  6. I noticed that schools with higher graduation rates and test scores are predominantly white and higher incomes. For example Dover-Sherborn high school which has a graduation rate of 100 and is 93.9% white and the average salary for the town of dover is $295,436. In conclusion the wealth and general race of a town can show direct relations to the quality of the school.

  7. One example of my previous posts argument was the town of lexington. Lexington is 73.6% white and only 4.3% black yet they have a average income of 137,000 dollars a year. With the wealth of the town alot of money has been put into their public schooling. The money provides the school with higher ranked teacher as well as many diffrent extracuricular activities. All of this leads up to the high school being top three in the state for Massachusetts.

  8. I found that the wealthy towns that made the top of the list are mostly white communities. I also found that by looking at the percentage of races in each community and the amount of money that town makes per family. And by looking at the amount of kids that graduate and go to college that poor towns are poor because not going to college makes it hard to move up in social class. And because they already live in low income towns it makes it easier for them just to stay in that town and keep that town at a low income. A trend I noticed is that when I see a High Hispanic population the town is a very low income town. And when I see a very high white population the income tends to be either very high or averge. In a very high white population area there are much more graduation rates and many more kids end up going to college.

  9. The racial trends in the United States have put our school into a predicament. The schools that get praised to be the best are the schools with the highest amount of money per family. The areas that have the highest amount of money per person happen to be the white people. A school like Weston High School (which is at the top of the list) is mostly white area. The worst schools, in poorer areas are being often occupied by non white communities, like Chelsea. That has a tendency to be more Hispanic towns. Now that I have seen this statistics that show that majorly white schools are often to be better. Hudson being ranked 105 is not the best school but is okay and it is majority white at 93.1%.

  10. I noticed the schools that have a high % of colored people have low income and are low rated in the graded areas also a lot of them have low graduation rates. The schools that have more white people have better schools, better chances to graduate, better grades, and better income than others. For example the school Berlin has zero black people in it so it has a high income of 65,000$ compared to Clinton of 3.8% are black and they have an income of 42,000$. There is a big difference for just a little percentage.

  11. Lawrence high school has 2,904 people enrolled into their high school. 85% of the population is hispanic. They have a lot of student and very little faculty making it difficult to get an education and a job. Their average income is $26,000. Chelsea is also has a 74% hispanic and their average income is only $30,000. Wayland has 891 students enrolled to their highschool 82% of them are white and they have the average income of $175,579. Towns that are predominantly hispanic are more poverty stricken then towns that are predominately white.

  12. I noticed that black and whites had similar incomes. Brockton is 50% black and Lowell is too. They have similar salaries and graduation rates. Some times race does not have an affect.

  13. Schools such as Marblehead with with very high percentages of whites and have very few minorities statistically have higher incomes. With higher incomes brings more money to public schooling making students have better teachers and do better on standardize testing. Also, many of these towns with high incomes have very high graduation rates and high percentages of students who move on to college. On the other hand, towns with higher numbers of minorities statistically are ranked lower for their public schools, having a lower average income. Because these towns with minorities lack funds it directly affects the students who attend the public schools having a low graduation and percent moving on to college.

  14. It is pretty obvious that schools with a higher percentage of whites in the school have higher incomes therefore there is more money for the school in general. This continues to be a cycle, if white families have money then all of the money is going to go to the white schools and the schools who have primarily minorities will always benefit less because they don't bring in as much income.

  15. Many of the low income towns/city's are also the towns with low white enrollment. This means that those towns are getting less funding because they are low income. That then affects the percentage of minority groups and how their school testing goes because if a school has low income than they will have less help and materials in school that will make testing scores go down.

  16. While analyzing the school, financial and race documents I noticed a pattern that rich towns with good schools are mostly white and poor schools in poor towns are mostly black or Hispanic. For example, Lincoln in 2005 had an average income of 274,216 and had a graduation percent of 96.4, they were also ranked as the 20th best school. In Lincoln there is 74.1% whites and only 5.5% Hispanics. Lawrence has a very bad school system. They are ranked #160 and only have a graduation rate of 41.1%. Their average income in 2005 was only 25,000 and they have 85.4% Hispanics and only 2.4 blacks.

  17. After looking at all the Public Schools data with the rank, race, income there were many things I noticed. When i first looked at the high ranking schools for example Lexington High School I noticed they had a high spending average of $15,368 and an average income of $130,598. Also that the average of race that attend the schools are white. Looking at the other top ranking schools they had similarities. Mostly white people and lots of money. I also noticed that there weren't many Native American students anywhere in Massachusetts, and not many Asians either. The low ranking schools had less money therefor less of a graduation rate because they don't have the supplies to teach the kids in their public schools.

  18. Well i looked at the mass gov department of education enrollment by race and gender report, and i came to a conclusion, I researched some of the schools to find out that, prominently blacks, are more likely to be expanding in Boston then in Auburn, and other schools close to this area. Majority blacks are in charter schools and academe's then normal public schools. Also that sometimes Hispanics dominate over the whites in some schools.

  19. The maqin ideas of the documents were between incom race and relation between schools. The more wealthy and white populated areas have better schooling and higher graduation rates and are overall more succesful then the areas with equal or higher minoruity schooling because they seem to have less.

  20. After I looked at differerent school and looked at the income level, graduate rate, cost per student, and racial make up for each school I noticed that the nicer the school the more money they spend and more people graguate. For example Wayland 98% graguate and Hudson only had 82%.

  21. I also realized that some black school are up there for good schools for "Best public highschools" Also for income growths, many school with less returns still have a good interest rate! And many of though school of are white majority. Ahmirts has a majority of mix races and Belchertown
    6,166 - returns
    6,709 - 2005 returns
    but there income is less then other school and there school is majoiry 95 percent whites

  22. I found out that schools with higher rates are primarily white then schools near city are primarly black and are less rates. Mostly whites potentially have the higher education.


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