Friday, March 16, 2012

Florida family seeks justice

17 year old teenager gets gunned down by a neighborhood watch captain because of he says he was acting suspiciously. Even after police says to stand down he ignores this and confronted the teenager. Is race a factor of this happening? If the roles were reversed a black neighborhood watchmen and a white teenager would this have happened?


  1. I don't want to judge and say that this man is racist for his action, I definitely believe that race could have been a factor but it might also of had nothing to do with it. The same thing could have happened the other way around but people believe that the chances of that happening are much smaller. In conclusion I think it is hard to tell if race was a factor but it definitely could be.

  2. I can't really say whether or not the neighborhood watch captain was racist because I don't know exactly what happened but i do think the racial stereotypes did play a role in this incident. If the kid that was killed was white this may not have happened because of the stereotypes. It seams that people assume that black people are more dangerous because they get in trouble more often, this s because they generally grow up poor and and do not have the opportunities that most white people have to earn legal money.

  3. I think in this case maybe race was involved, all that this neighborhood watchman new was that he was a suspicious looking boy who was black. and even when law enforcement told him to stand back and not doing anything he still choose to fatally shoot the boy. race defiantly seems to have played a role in this crime, not sure if its 100% true but if the roles were reversed either way it could be considered racist.

  4. I think that with the circumstances of this case it is very possible a matter about race. There are defiantly very suspicious factors in this like why the watch man even thought the black boy was being suspicious. If it wasn't about race i think it could have just been that the watch man was having some mental issues and that could have contributed to the murder because i do not think that the case has provided any evidence of even confronting the black boy.

  5. i think that this could be about the race. if the watchman was black and the boy was white i dont think it would happen. this also could just be the watchman though the boy was acting sketchy and have nothing to do with race. we really do not know who the watchman is so we can not say if he is racist or not. i do not think the watch man should of took action and shot the boy.

  6. i think that this could be about the race. if the watchman was black and the boy was white i dont think it would happen. this also could just be the watchman though the boy was acting sketchy and have nothing to do with race. we really do not know who the watchman is so we can not say if he is racist or not. i do not think the watch man should of took action and shot the boy.

  7. Race might be a factor in the teenager's shooting. If the boy coming out of football practice was white for instance the white watchman might not have shot him. I don't believe if the scenario was reversed there would be a different outcome. It all has to do with what the individual watchman was thinking at the time that made the decision to shoot the black teenager. He clearly wasn't thinking straight or was in some way racist to shoot the teenager.

  8. i think this is a race factor because he was only walking home from football and even if he really did look suspicious the watch captian could have waited for someone else to come help. It was unnecessary to gun him down unless he had to for sure. I dont really know what would have happened if the roles got switched around but i dont think the white person would have been gunned down

  9. I think race probably was a factor in what happened I am not completely sure however given the facts I think it was. Because the guy only shot because he thought the guy was acting suspicious I think it probably was the most likely reason. I am not sure what would happen if the roles were reversed.

  10. I am going to agree with everyone and say that yes racism was a factor. The watch guard did not listen to orders, and went ahead with his thinking about the young 17 year old boy and shot him. If the roles would switch and the a black watch guard killed a 17 year old kid buying skittles, the guard would face time in jail or prison possibly longer then what the white man would have.

  11. I am going to agree with everyone as well, because possibly if it was a white boy, he probably would have shot him directly and probably would have thought about the consequences of shooting somebody, but since he was black, there was something in his contentious that made him have to get a gun and shot him.

  12. I think that race was a factor. He probably thought there was something suspicious going on because the boy was black. I don't think that a black watchman would have shot a white boy because I think there would have been many more consequences because people still stereotype black people. This case should be further investigated.

  13. I belive that it was a quincedence that the shooter was white and the victim was black. The reason it is so big is because of the race diffrence. Even if it was a quincedence the media would make it seem like a race crime because more people would be interusted in it. The same thing would happen if the roles were reversed.

  14. i think that race is a problem in this case because the cop stereotyped the black kid. he thought the black kid looked suspicious going into a store and when he came out he just shoot him. if there wasn't this much race this wouldn't have happened

  15. Yes I think race was a big factor in this shooting and without racism this would not have happend. I also think if the situation was reversed the black man would have been suffering serious jail time and probably more attention from the media.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I think race defiantly plays a role in what happened here. The 17 year old was not doing anything that would be threatening to the security guard and maybe he was racist and that's why this got so far.


  18. I think that race is a big factor of what happened to the teenage boy. If it was the other way around this would never happen. The guard was not even suppose to take action and it was wrong that he did and even more wrong that he did it for no reason at all because the boy was doing nothing wrong.

  19. indeed race was the problem in this situation because the neighborhood watch captain did not had a actually reason to do what he did even after the police tell him not to involve into the problem!


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