Thursday, December 22, 2011

Catholic Bishops disagree with birth control


The church is against woman using contraceptives, therefore they are convincing Obama that he should refuse birth control coverage under the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act allows young adults to have affordable health insurance. The organization N.O.W its trying to cease the exemption altogether. Since the church is on private lands, that aren't owned by the government the government has no control because they have their own right to express their religion.

Is it okay for the Catholic Bishops to disallow birth control for woman just because they are private owned?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

NOW against Obama's plan B restrictions

Obama planned on passing some restrictions on the Plan B or Morning after pill. For those you don't know, the morning after pill/plan b is a form of birth control, and it basically makes the woman sick and kills the sperm/egg combination. Obama wants to put a restriction that makes these forms of birth control have an age restriction and make it so you can not buy it over the counter. In class, Mr. A said that you have to be 16 or older without a prescription to get it, and anyone under 16 needs a prescription. NOW (National Women Organization), found Obama's restrictions to be unconstitutional, and want the restrictions to not be put into effect.

Do you think these restrictions should be placed on birth control?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Iron Jawed Angels Mindmap

Create a mindmap of the events depicted in the film, Iron Jawed Angels.  We imagine this will be a timeline of sorts, but feel free to get creative (remember the examples we showed you).  Begin your map with the creation of NAWSA and end your map with the passage of the 19th Amendment.  You should document all of the important events, concepts, and themes illustrated.  Include details (words, images, phrases) that you took from the film.  For example, each mindmap should include a section that examines the role of black women in the movement.  You can find a synopsis of the film here if you need a refresher.  This can be constructed on 8 ½ x 11 paper.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Women's Studies Essential Questions

Which of the following questions would you like to focus on when writing your final unit assignment?

  1. How have women’s roles changed throughout American history? How have they stayed the same?
  2. How has our society’s power structure affected gender roles?
  3. How has women’s inequality been established/enforced throughout American history?
  4. How have women’s rights evolved over time?
  5. How have feminist social and political activists created change?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Police arrest 62 as occupy protesters target lobbyists- Sean Cabral

Police arrested 62 protestors for blocking off several blocks of K street in Washington. In the constitution it says that one of the rights we have is to peacefully protest. Was the right of these people to protest violated because they were arrested?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Self-Determination Acts

Follow this link - once there, download the document titled, "Self-Determination Acts".  Use this to write your Alexie SPA paragraph.

NOTE: you can also use Johnson's "Forgotten American" speech to show how the reality of reservation life falls short the promise of self-determination.

Tribal courts lack power over non-Indian abusers-Matthew CE

In the article they talked about the lack of power in the court system.

In the article there is an event that the Reservation feels that they should be able to handle but federal courts say no.

What do you think that the court should do regarding handling altercations on and off of the ?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

S.A.V.E. Native Women Act

Do you think that the tribal courts will be able to handle more cases and will it be better for the reservation community to be handling more cases with non-Indians.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Oil Pipelines Facing Natives with Possible Harm

TransCanada is creating an oil pipeline stretching 1,700 miles long. This pipe will carry 700,000 barrels of oil a day and would reduce U.S dependence on Middle Eastern oil. Native tribes are beginning to protest because the pipe route crosses the Oglala water supply system where they get their water from and could end up polluting it leaving the Natives with no water and possible health concerns. The natives accused them of eminent domain (using private property for public use), but they said it is too late in the procedure to move the route but they will be very careful and the likelihood of their being a spill is very low.

Based on the Natives point of view vs. TransCanada's point of view, do you think the pipeline should be further constructed? Yes/No, why?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Obama budget proposal marks overall decrease in Indian Affairs

On Monday, President Obama released the federal budget proposal for 2012. In the proposal he wants to decrease indian affairs to $2.5 billion($120 million dollars less than previous year). Officials say that "tough cuts still need to be made". Although there are tough cuts being made, president Obama is looking to save $89.6 million to improve the conditions on native american reservations and tribal land. He is also looking to increase funding to help nation-to-nation relationships, to protect indian country, to improve trust l;and management, and indian education. There is also supposed to be a significant increase in criminal justice programs involving tribal areas. Do you think that this budget proposal is enough to help Native Americans with the troubles they are having with their education system, conditions of tribal land, criminal justice etc.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Washington State Indian Tribe Approves Same Sex Marriage

The Suquamish tribe in Washington approved of same sex marriage on their reservation. Gay marriage was easy to pass with no court fights. Mainly every one agreed to approve it. They believe that a tribe should never exclude people and they want to avoid discrimination.

Do you agree or disagree with same sex marriage?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

native tribes to share $52 million in grant

On Sept. 7, the department of housing gave a $52 million grant to be divided between 21 native states. The money that each state gets which is about $2.4 million goes to builting house, school, stores, and repairing roads. It also is going to help native American get job training. Do you think that our government should be giving money to native tribes and should they get more money?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Obama Raising Record of Deportation

The number of illeagle immigrants deported since Obama has been elected is much greater then when Bush was in office. There is now stronger enforcement at the border and they are now able to catch illeagles coming in right at the border therefore the numbers of illeagles deported rises. There were 400,000 people deported this year and 392,800 in 2010 but during Bush's time in office less then 120,000 people. According to these numbers and the outcome of newly enforced policies, what do you think about the raise in the number of illeagles being deported? Do you think these numbers will help Obama be reelected in 2012?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

State Immigration Laws have to Face Reality

Arizona's is having a lot of controversy laws affected some of the nation which has been causing Huge Boycotts against rights and Privileges for Immigrants, what happens was the Business with Immigrants were being Targeted because they hired Immigrants.

Do you think they should Limit jobs for immigrants to "Small" Business's? Why or why not.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Obama's Divvied-Up Jobs Bill

In the tough economy we live in, many teaches, cops, and other people in different fields of work are loosing their jobs. President Obama's bill will use $35 billion in aid to state and local governments to rehire or retain teachers and first responders jobs. "The bill we are introducing today continues that focus by creating or saving approximately 400,000 jobs," Obama promises. Democrats have revived a surtax on Americans, making more than $1 million to pay for the bill. In 2010 200,000 teachers lost their job and the bill is set up for reasons such as these.

Do you think this bill is good idea for America moving forward or a bad idea? Explain.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

ASSIGNMENT DUE FRIDAY 10/7/11: Frank McCourt's "Angela's Ashes"

(Frank McCourt, pictured here in his classroom)
So we had a chance to read part of Frank McCourt's immigration story today. We learned that he had a lot of mixed emotions about coming to the States--on one hand he was excited to come, but on the other hand, we learned that he was going to miss aspects of his life in Limerick. Your job is to consider his story as an example for your own writing project. Here's your question: Respond as a comment to this post. What was one aspect of Frank McCourt's story that you might consider using for your own immigration narrative? Think about how he starts the story (his reasons for leaving), how he gets the money to travel, how he prepares to leave, how he describes the journey, and how he encounters the new world in which he arrives. Which part did you find most interesting, and how could you adapt that part of the story structure to your own story?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Massachusetts "Secure Communities" Debate

Today In class I discussed the current event of Secure Communities in Massachusetts. The Secure Communities act was ordered by ICE ( U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and it says any criminal under police custody must give ICE fingerprints of the criminal to make sure that he or she is a legal immigrant. The act has had two different reactions to this. Some people like the ICE Organization are for the law well others like Governor Deval Patrick are against it. Deval Patrick believes that we should have a law cutting down on illegal immigration but he doesn't believe that this law is the solution.

During my presentation I also got questions about how the ICE Organization can have our fingerprints when we didn't have them taken. This program is searching though peoples criminal records. Thats why if your taken to a police station for a crime you get your fingerprint taken for your police record.

The Secure Communities Act is a very important current issue especially in Massachusetts. Do you believe it is appropriate? Are you For or Against This Law? Explain your reasoning.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

E-Verify bill

The House of Representatives have made this bill that states that all workers that are about to join a job have to take this program called "E-Verify". E-Verify is a government run program on the Internet that is in place now that takes your information and checks to see if you are an illegal immigrant or not. The bill enforcing of this program to be followed was passed by the House of Representatives, but they don't think it will go much farther. The House of Representatives is majority run by Republicans, and for this to be passed, it will need to get support by the Democrats as well.

Republicans like this idea because, they are for the idea of loosing all the illegal immigrants. They feel like they are taking millions of American jobs. There is thought to be seven million illegal immigrants and there is twenty-three million Americans who are without a job. So they look at the fact that we can make those seven million people loose their jobs and then give them back to the Americans to help the twenty-three million without a job.

The Democrats feel like this would be bad for the economy of the small business. Many immigrants work under the minimum wage, and they wouldn't be allowed to do that to the Americans taking the job. Also, they would need to have workers who would run the E-Verify program.

Do you think this is an appropriate approach to the illegal immigration? Explain what is good, or how you'd approach the problem.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"Eleven" by Sandra Cisneros Response DUE FRIDAY 9/23

Yesterday we read Sandra Cisneros' short story titled "Eleven." In a comment to this post, please choose the word or phrase that you think is the most important to the story as a whole. Include your choice, and then explain why you believe the word is significant. What does it reveal about the story or character as a whole?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Foundations Wrap-up - DUE 9-19

We have spent the last two days analyzing the six democratic principles established through our founding documents and how they can be applied to a present day issue. In order to reflect on and use what you have learned, please consider other current issues or challenges that our country is facing and discuss how one of the six democratic principles (limited government, popular sovereignty, checks and balances, separation of powers, equal protection, federalism) is being applied to that issue.

In responding to this post, you must:

1. Explain a present day issue in our country.
2. Reference a specific current event article that you have used to better understand the issue you have chosen (provide a link to your article so others can read it if they want to learn more).
3. Explain how one or more of the democratic principles is demonstrated in the example you have chosen (please pick a principle that is different from the one you focused on in class).

This blog response will be worth a ten point homework grade for history. Those points will be earned by demonstratinig significant effort and depth of analysis.

Friday, September 2, 2011

American Studies Website

The link below is VERY important! It will bring you to our American Studies Website. Any time you need to double check deadlines and/or download assignment sheets, navigate here:

Or click on the link on the right.